
Articles Posted in California State Tax Issues


Nonresidents Working Temporarily in California

  What’s Happening? The digital economy has allowed increasing numbers of nonresidents to work remotely for California firms without becoming California residents, and even without paying California income taxes, in some cases. At the same time, more and more nonresidents find themselves being offered lucrative temporary employment in California. This…


The Nonresident ING Fling Dinged: California Closes the Incomplete Gift Tax Trust “Loophole”

The Issue After years of wrangling with the issue, California has just enacted legislation to eliminate a state income tax savings strategy some California residents have pursued by establishing a non-grantor gift trust (ING). These trusts are often called WINGs, DINGs, and NINGS, a reference to the three states that…


Moving to California After a Liquidity Event: A New FTB Case Highlights All the Mistakes Nonresidents Can Make

The Case A recent case from California’s Office of Tax Appeals brings some clarity to how strictly  California dates a change of residency for income tax purposes when a nonresident claims to have moved to California shortly after a liquidity event. The case, Appeal of Housman, OTA Case No. 18010200…


California’s “Integrated Nonfiler Compliance” System: How it Affects Nonresident Taxpayers

The Issue ​If you’re in the habit of reviewing California residency cases (and only a tax attorney specializing in the field or a masochist would be), you will occasionally come upon a reference to the Franchise Tax Board’s “Integrated Nonfiler Compliance” system, sometimes called the INC program. The court opinion…


Liquidity Events, the Interim Home Problem, and Determining the Date for Changing California Residency: A New FTB Case Sheds Some Light

  The Case A new case from California’s Office of Tax Appeals brings some clarity to how strictly California dates a change of residency for income tax purposes when a resident moves out of state shortly before a liquidity event. The case, Appeal of J. Bracamonte, OTA, Case No. 18010932…


Nonresidents Working Remotely for California Businesses: Taking “The Sting” Out of California Income Taxes

  The Issue With the rise of ecommerce, advanced telecommunications, and the new prevalence of remote work due to the COVID pandemic, more and more people are choosing the option of living in one state while working for an employer in another, sometimes without ever setting foot at the employer’s…


Married with Residents: Nonresidents with California Spouses

  The Issue E-commerce, advanced telecommunications, and the new prevalence of remote work have combined to give many married couples more flexibility in their working and living arrangements than in the past. One of these options, rare until recently, is for spouses to assert they live in different states for…


The Six-Month Presumption in California Residency Law: Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

The Six-Month Mythos You don’t have to be a tax lawyer to know that the way to avoid becoming a resident of California is to spend less than six months in the state during any calendar year. Right? Well, not exactly. The “six-month presumption,” as it’s called, which is mentioned…


Moving Overseas from California: A Residency Minefield for Expats

  The Issue: Even Casablanca Isn’t Far Enough Away to Avoid A California Residency Audit The global economy has enabled growing numbers of California residents to find employment overseas, often in Pacific Rim or European countries. Many of these jobs are in financial services or high-tech industries and can be…


Secured Promissory Notes and California-Source Income, Explained

  The Issue Nonresident individuals and out-of-state companies often make loans to California-based borrowers. It’s not unusual for those promissory notes to be secured with California real estate. The scenarios take many forms. A person may inherit the note from a parent, or they may feel obliged to make a…

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