
Articles Posted in Residency Audits and Appeals


California’s 4600 Notice “Request For Tax Return” – The Definitive Guide for Nonresidents

  The Issue ​Nonresidents who own vacation homes, business interests, financial accounts, or have other significant contacts in California can receive a notice from the Franchise Tax Board, California’s tax enforcement agency, demanding they file a tax return or explain why they aren’t required to. The official notice number is…


Criminal Tax Fraud in California Residency Cases: Will the Trump/Weisselberg Indictment Give the FTB Ideas?

  What’s Happening? There’s a noteworthy residency-related Easter egg in the criminal tax fraud indictment against the Trump Organization and its CFO, Allen Weisselberg. The complaint includes the charge that Weisselberg fraudulently failed to file tax returns as a New York City resident, thus evading the municipality’s income tax on…


They’re Back! – FTB 4600 Notices Coming Soon to You

It’s that time of year again.  The time when the Franchise Tax Board sends out its 4600 Notices, “Request for Tax Return,” the bane of snowbirds and other part-time residents of California, especially those with vacation homes.  And a potential trap for the unwary. What Is A 4600 Notice? A…

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