
Articles Posted in nine-month presumption


Moving to California After a Liquidity Event: A New FTB Case Highlights All the Mistakes Nonresidents Can Make

The Case A recent case from California’s Office of Tax Appeals brings some clarity to how strictly  California dates a change of residency for income tax purposes when a nonresident claims to have moved to California shortly after a liquidity event. The case, Appeal of Housman, OTA Case No. 18010200…


Criminal Tax Fraud in California Residency Cases: Will the Trump/Weisselberg Indictment Give the FTB Ideas?

  What’s Happening? There’s a noteworthy residency-related Easter egg in the criminal tax fraud indictment against the Trump Organization and its CFO, Allen Weisselberg. The complaint includes the charge that Weisselberg fraudulently failed to file tax returns as a New York City resident, thus evading the municipality’s income tax on…


Stranded in California: Coronavirus Lockdown and Nonresident Status

  The Issue Can COVID-19 orders make you a resident? Since the COVID-19 emergency struck, tens of thousands of nonresidents have found themselves marooned in California due to coronavirus travel restrictions. The typical situation involves a seasonal visitor forced to remain in a vacation home longer than intended. But it…


The Six-Month Presumption in California Residency Law: Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

The Six-Month Mythos You don’t have to be a tax lawyer to know that the way to avoid becoming a resident of California is to spend less than six months in the state during any calendar year. Right? Well, not exactly. The “six-month presumption,” as it’s called, which is mentioned…


Five Internet Myths About California Residency Rules: And How They Can Cost You

    The Issue While not quite as prevalent as Bigfoot videos, myths about California’s residency tax rules abound on the internet. Of course, believing in Bigfoot won’t increase your chances of a residency audit, or cost you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars if the audit goes against…


The Part-Time Resident Tax Trap

  Sunny Taxxy California Most of the world knows the Palm Springs area for its picturesque golf courses, celebrity homes and halcyon weather. Among the taxing authorities in Sacramento, however, the words “Palm Springs” conjure up less carefree images. Spurred by the state’s appetite for tax revenues, the Franchise Tax…


Frequently Asked Questions: California Residency Rules

Manes Law has over two decades of experience in advising clients on California residency law, handling residency audits, assisting businesses relocate out of California, and appealing residency determinations. Based on this experience, we have assembled this list of frequently asked questions and provided brief answers. 1.Q. How does California tax…

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